In a complex geopolitical environment one fact at least is clear; it is the USA and its allies who are pushing, for whatever reasons, to transform our world. What are the motivations behind this?
The phrase ‘Manifest Destiny’ reveals almost all anyone needs to know concerning where the source of today’s global instability lies:
‘The term "Manifest Destiny," which American writer John L. O'Sullivan coined in 1845, describes what most 19th-Century Americans believed was their God-given mission to expand westward, occupy a continental nation, and extend U.S. constitutional government to unenlightened peoples. While the term sounds like it is strictly historical, it also more subtly applies to the tendency of U.S. foreign policy to push democratic nation-building around the globe.’
The concept of ‘Manifest Destiny’ arguably reflects the partly subconscious notion that many Americans feel that they have been chosen by God for the purpose of transforming the world into some form of reflection of their superior selves. This plays heavily into the notion if U.S. exceptionalism, that the history of their nation reflects a journey that was no accident, in fact one that was guided by God.
Much store is set by the way the pilgrim fathers left oppression in Europe and founded a new and godly land in what would become North America. This was to be a perfect society under God and had been destined to be such. New and better rules were to be devised and made law which reflected none of the oppressive, exclusive and loathed laws of the lands the pilgrim fathers had escaped. This new land was to be exceptional, blessed by God and given a mission, to return where possible to the lesser lands they had escaped and transform them into a mirror image of the what became the United States of America.
Religion plays a huge part as does commerce in the drive to spread American influence worldwide. Little to no thought is given to whether other nations have given consent to this “blessing” of outside interference in their affairs just as Africa was given none regarding the relentless and invasive influence of Christian missionaries. It was all ‘for their own good’ whether they understood that or not. The westerners ‘knew better’ and national sovereignty was to be no barrier to the perceived necessity to civilise the world to the western manner of thinking.
Little has changed over the centuries since these concepts and belief systems were formulated. They are in fact set in stone, unchangeable and largely unquestioned, laid down so deep that they represent a massive subconscious layer of self-serving prejudice that whether voiced or not, is ever-present. And this is where the processes involved are so resistant to change. The various mythologies connected to the so-called pioneer spirit of American forebears, the required self-induced amnesia regarding slavery and the genocide applied to the native population override doubt and serve to continually bolster a sense of rightness and aversion to thinking they could ever do wrong.
Mass death and destruction via regime change wars waged by the USA and its allies are regarded when they occur as “mistakes”, errors of judgement, and nothing more. The intent is ALWAYS good and informed by motivations to “help”, deliver “freedom”, “good order”, and of course the precepts of the unquestioned benefits of “democracy”. Of course it is regarded as very unfortunate when others than those they wished to die re sent to their maker alongside them. As the phrase commonly seen during the second iraq war goes, “Kill ‘em all and let God sort them out!”. In this phrase we can see in short form the belief in American superiority and a supreme confidence that God is ‘on their side’.
The war the USA is waging in all its diverse battlefronts, whether against Russia, or China, Iran or Syria, Cuba or Venezuela, Nicaragua or Belarus can all be fully justified by American elites using the concepts described above. There is no sign that any of them will be abandoned any time soon. They are embedded firmly within the collective psyche of all U.S. elites. They see themselves and their systems of governance as sanctified by God and so are insured as to their immunity from intending or doing wrong (only, as sinners making unintended mistakes at times along the way). To give up on their mission would be to betray God’s command. To stay home and instead of aggressively seeking to change others against their will would signify their failure to carry out His will.
Due to the above there appears no end in sight to the turmoil the world will experience as American elite warriors attempt to force others to ‘see the light’, accept them as their “saviours” and conform to their holy command. No end of death, destruction, instability or the methods of overt/covert chaos-instigation as required ‘softening up processes’ prior to the elimination and replacement of individuals and systems of governance that are unacceptable according to western “values”. By all of this we see who are those who will NEVER be content with the status quo but who feel charged by God to relentlessly interfere even to the Last Days themselves when all is destroyed and they are raptured up to meet their Heavenly Father on the Day of Judgement.
The rest of us are to have no choice but to be modified and where necessary destroyed in a process that American elites believe is essential, a process which they will NEVER relent from but pursue to the very last human alive.
This is so well said: “necessity to civilise the world to the western manner of thinking”!