I will presume for the purposes of this commentary that all readers are aware of the fundamental immediate goals and ambitions, concerns and sought for outcomes regarding the present conflict in Ukraine.
But what are the larger geopolitical ramifications involved, if any?
As I see it, this war has an enormous importance for the geopolitical makeup of our planet for all the time left to us as a species. This may appear a big claim, perhaps a hyperbolic claim that makes too much of the present situation. I will attempt to explain why I believe this is not the case.
As I have referenced before, I see much if not all of the geopolitical interventions and most of the western foreign policy narratives, talking points and official statements as intimately linked to decisions made in the hours immediately after 9/11.
It follows then that I see the Ukraine situation, stretching all the way back to 2014 and in fact years before, as very much part of the processes having their genesis in 9/11.
The primary and I would argue clear goal set after 9/11 was to establish supreme dominance by the United States over the world to ensure no such event could ever come to pass again. This meant nullifying and wherever possible replacing all individuals and entities that could add to the possibility of recurrence.
I feel the above statement is incontrovertible in fact and a quite natural response by the elites of the most powerful and influential nation on the planet. The great problem for the rest of the world however, lies in the actions needed by those elites to achieve that goal. To achieve it, and I am quite sure from statements made and actions followed, that absolutely no ethical, moral or any other barrier was to be placed that could hinder the speedy achievement of that goal. International law and normal codes of conduct of all kinds were not to be a barrier. Nothing and no one was to be a barrier and without exception. All means necessary was to be the modus operandi.
It is well known what followed soon after 9/11. A program of regime change operations across the Middle East, with varying tactics deployed. Full on attack and invasion in the case of Afghanistan and Iraq. NATO in Libya and proxy combatants in Syria, sanctions and other financial instruments of war as a constant meanwhile. All overt and covert attacks were also complemented by an enormous effort regarding enhanced psychological operations which incorporated a now compliant mass media. This latter directed mainly at western populations themselves, the purported benefactors of the full spectrum dominance project initiated after 9/11.
China is by far the main target for the USA and its allies but too big a meal to take on so early. The obvious way this was to be done was to tackle the low-hanging fruit first. As we have seen that has not gone particularly well… though the sub-goal of substantially weakening U.S. “enemies” was achieved in all cases to one degree or another. None of those attacked will present the kind of problem the U.S. elites have sworn to defend themselves against in perpetuity. However, perpetuity is a rather long time frame to work to and without doubt those nations that did not fully succumb to regime change will be returned to time and again to maintain their weak position.
So we come to Russia, a larger stepping stone than the previous targets, and one leading ultimately to the number one target, China. Russia had to be relieved of its current president and then have its system of governance modified. Modified to suit the goals set post-9/11 of course, its transformation into a state compliant to U.S. needs, demands and implicit instruction as all other ‘liberal democracies’ were.
So, along comes Vladimir Putin to the Munich Security Conference in 2007 and a little abashedly states that Russia is not onboard with the project that the USA plus its allies become global hegemon on a unipolar planet.
How do you think that went down in the context of the absolutely must-have goal the U.S. political and military elites had set for themselves after 9/11. Like a lead balloon. Precisely.
NATO, used as the spearhead against Russia to soften it up and over time create fractures in its society (along with a plethora of other methods operating concurrently) was to bring about the undoing of the Russian state to the degree that it could be shaken apart. Chaos-creation was the name of the game, at least confusion and if possible greater and greater degrees of anarchy and opposition.
I believe this is all rather obvious. America’s playbook is not all that long really and hiding the various paragraphs within it doesn’t take a degree in rocket science or a deep knowledge of Einstein’s theory of relativity to understand them I’d say. They are a bit too blatant to miss.
The CIA and all those who conjoin into its various elements such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a great many others over a vast array and network of activists, embassy chiefs, “journalists” and myriad functionaries across all allied states, wield enormous power and influence and are indeed THE true blade of power and influence of the western world.
So it was that the blade turned primarily toward Russia. Putin must go and Russian must be taught a lesson… the lesson being that you can’t deny the power of ‘The Boss’, the great arbiter of good and evil, the world’s exceptional cop… especially not now when we need you to TOTALLY comply to our needs due to what happened to us on 9/11.
Russia was to be harried on as many issues as possible. China was to get its initial share also but that was the really big project for when Russia was dealt with. Putin and Russia had to be seen in the frame of being responsible for just about every negative circumstance that could possibly be thought of. Putin was first for the treatment with long years after his Munich address in 2007 being filled with articles portraying him as some kind of reincarnation of Hitler.
After many years of Putin-bashing, which still continued of course, this was expanded to Russia in general, or to be precise to its current hierarchy. They were to get the same treatment as devils beyond the pale, irretrievably lost to the precepts of ethical behaviour, baby-killing, schoolkid injuring, hospital patient targeting fiends. And this time and time again in a hypnotic repetition to embed the required conditioning in as many minds as possible across the western world.
Then the final card to be played when other softening up efforts to create the requisite unrest in Russia largely failed to be effective… Ukraine. NATO and Ukraine. NATO, Ukraine and the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass. Russia was to be pushed past its limits of endurance and then be bled dry, weakened beyond repair… and then find itself moving ever closer to where the U.S. elites and their allies wanted it.
And this is what is at stake as I see it in Ukraine. This I am convinced is the broader picture, the deeper context. But… there is one last and in my view preeminent factor at stake:
The potential loss of a multipolar world replaced by an ever-suspicious unipolar entity that can never quite bring itself to trust any of us and monitors each of us to a depth, even with all the big data gathering now, has never been seen before. 24/7 in geosynchronous orbit the spies in the sky will feed on what we say and do and report immediately if any of it is suspicious and we will be flagged appropriately in consequence. One power dominating with servants helping do its bidding. A world controlled by a single entity and its proxies. No resistance of any kind brooked. No China, Russia or any other fly in the US’ elite ointment. Obedience… or else. A virtual prison planet in fact.
I would like to add my conjecture to what has happened and when, based on the theory expounded in "Divine Principle," which expounds an overarching "theory of everything" but does touch pointedly on the cause of geopolitical developments throughout history.
We can empirically surmise that Russia is in the right, or on the side of goodness. Let me outline the Divine Principle's view regarding history. At the beginning of history, two seminal events set humanity on the wrong course. The first was the Fall of Adam and Eve. The second was the murder of Cain by Abel. Having happened at the apex of human history, these two seminal events could not help but affect all of humanity. Human history, then, has been the struggle of humanity to reverse and liquidate the very damaging effects of these two "events." This "liquidation" can only occur if these events are "indemnified" according to a principle called "restoration through indemnity." The reason why history "repeats itself," according to this theory, is because an attempt to indemnify the two acts above has failed, and so the circumstances in which the indemnification can be set up must be repeated. Human history has seemed to repeat itself in cycles because of the repeated failures to carry out the indemnification. It's actually more complicated, because new failures become added to old failures.
How does this translate into today's geopolitical situation?
The US was set up to indeed become the hegemon, the last arbiter of goodness. But this could only happen if the US, through human effort in understanding the direction of goodness, cooperated. Since we see what the US has become, and that Russia is now the champion of goodness, we can see that the US failed its God-given mission. The mission was transferred to Russia and China. This abrupt departure from what was to be has confounded analysts, who see liberals, for example, betraying their former roles, while oddly, conservatives take up the mantle. This shift is huge. It has been observed, but its cause has not been understood at all. I say this all from the theoretical viewpoint. The best way to understand all of this in detail is to examine the book "Divine Principle" and the manner in which the unfolding in human history, even down to the duration of epochs, is explained. Think of this as another theory, but I might argue that it is the only theory in terms of its peculiar internal consistency and explanatory power.