First posted 6th March 2022.
We are now living in George Orwell’s nightmare dystopian world of ‘1984’. Currently truth is an extremely endangered beast, almost extinct in fact. And this in what is called by some ‘The Free World’ where historic paeans of fulsome praise by its elites wished always to assure us that the honest West told us all the facts that fit, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
How long gone are the days when this was even remotely true. Successive regime change wars and the justifications that were carved from empty air have disabused the alert among us of the idea that good people with sound hearts and massive integrity strove to get us the ‘right stuff’, the true picture, or as near as they could get to it. Was it the Vietnam War that saw the beginning of the end of all that? After all, who could blame the top brass for feeling the press corp forced their hand and got them marching home?
It was in the next war when cynicism had overcome conscience that those who were to be come only so-called journalists were embedded with their military brethren and given cosy and convenient “briefings” each evening and supplied with the means to transfer not ‘the right stuff’ but ‘the required narrative’ to the waiting millions back home. The rot set in then methinks. And that rot and the rotted carcass of so-called journalism has been with us ever since.
9/11 rang the death knell of any objective approach to reporting geopolitical events and circumstances. It was no longer considered good form to criticise western foreign policy as it strove to erase all the possible threats out there that could lead to a recurrence. It simply ‘wasn’t cricket’ as they say in the UK. Not the done thing. The done thing now was to support western elites in all they did and said. Your career and very livelihood depended upon it. Were you going to be the Serpico, the one who rocked the boat and told it ‘like it is’ rather than ‘tell it as it is expected’?
A whole raft of media elites required of themselves that they put self-preservation first. Of course a great many also were filled with a passionate hatred of those who had done such a heinous deed on 9/11. Together they sought to give fulsome support to whatever their political elites thought best and woe betide anyone who stepped out of line and committed the grave sin of saying the least positive thing about any of those chosen now as enemies.
So the regime change wars came and went. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, the latter two of course continuing still to today. Criticism remained muted and hardly seen within mainstream press or media at all. Syria was reduced to a shell of its former self through arguably the most reprehensible tactic ever used in wartime, a louder harmonic of a previous exercise in Seventies Afghanistan, proxy fighters. In Syria they were much less acceptable that in the Seventies however, in fact they were downright evil in most cases.
Was the world minded to sanction America and its coalition of the willing? Was there an enormous uproar where American products were banned across the world and Americans in general seen as hate-objects. Was there a move to take America to the International Criminal Court, a reflection of disgust and dismay at the reprehensible slaughtering of a hundred thousand and more at the United Nations and in every decent human heart everywhere? There was not. The world simply went on its way. Nothing to see here.
But now, now that Russia has reacted after years of remaining dormant in the face of inexorable pressure, slanderous and constant attacks on its president and constant western world disdain, where a NATO looking for a continued reason to exist approaches her borders… deigns eventually to take action to ensure her future security… all hell breaks loose. If you are looking for geopolitical double-standards and hypocrisy you will have to go a long way to find a better case.
All about Ukraine of course. But not the real Ukraine. The Ukraine filtered down through the ‘war mode’ filter spoken of earlier and through the ranks of those dedicated since 9/11 to always and only support their western state leaders and their narratives of choice and convenience.
What did the real Ukraine look like? A nation of two halves. One looking west, the other east. One toward the European Union, one toward Russia and the Eurasian Union. On one side largely the Ukrainian language is spoken, on the other Russian. One side generally votes for these political parties, this other for completely different ones. Ukraine is truly two countries in one.
In 2014 a violent minority of the western half didn’t like what the president elected by the eastern half was doing. He was having a hard time deciding what to do. The EU was offering some financial help. Russia also, substantially more. He swithered between the two offers. Russia said why don’t both of us help you? The EU said no, Ukraine and its president would have to choose. But the president continued to have a hard time seeing which course of action was best for Ukraine.
It was at this point that all hell broke loose with Molotov cocktails thrown at police, they were beaten with clubs, shot at with hunting rifles and hand guns, blinded with toxic sprays and bruised and battered by any means that came to hand. Seventeen young policemen died. Perhaps you would care to imagine the reaction in the United States if even one policeman died in such circumstances. Yet the then president continued to seek dialogue, refusing the request of the security high command that the police be better armed and that the square where the insurrection was taking place be cleared.
The end result was that a democratically-elected president and government fell. The thousand of so election monitors had approved both election as passing the democratic tests they applied to them. But go they did and a new government was formed, much along the lines that two American officials recommended in a leaked telephone conversation of that time. Thus began the descent into misery, tragedy and economic and political disaster that has personified life in Ukraine from that time onward.
If the dismal factors above were not enough they were exacerbated by the mentality left over and passed down since the Second World War that informed some of the most sadistic people who have ever lived on this planet. To them Hitler was good for Ukraine, for Ukrainian nationalism in particular. They indulged in the Hitler salute and only slightly converted Nazi symbols for their own use. They did military trained in the woods as they had done training in the U.S. embassy for their street protests/riots. The hate they felt for those in that other half of Ukraine close to the Russian border they called ‘Moskals’, essentially meaning, ‘Russians.
A favourite chant of these people was and remains, “Russians On Knives!” and torch lit parades of tens of thousands marched Nazi-style through the streets of the most nationalist city in west Ukraine, Lvov. They didn’t hide themselves, or their hatred for the Ukrainians of the east who they reviled as Russians. It was something they were proud of. Their grandfathers and fathers had educated them in this. They had joined special Nazi battalions solely made up of Ukrainians of the western half. They went gladly to burn Russian peasants in their beds across in Russian, Rostov-on-Don.
It is said the Nazis were scared of these Ukrainian battalions due to their extreme hatred of Russia and Russians and I think you will agree, it really says something that those sadistic criminals as the Nazis could find others more scary than themselves.
Are you beginning to see the real Ukraine now? Are the glowing visions of innocence fading just a little? The hard-done-by, wide-eyed innocents who only want their freedom attacked and oppressed by evil Russians? Are you beginning to understand how you are being hoodwinked daily for agendas that are far from innocent and pure?
Russia was told it could have no security. She was told that despite the death of 27 million Russians in the fight to liberate the world from Nazism that due to the scourge of the Soviet Union it could never be forgiven and must be tormented to the end of time by the West and its prodding spearhead NATO, coming ever closer and ultimately to its very doorstep through neo-Nazi-infested Ukraine?
Is the reality emerging past the cover story you’ve been told? Are you beginning to realise just how comprehensively and cynically those who have been in war mode since 9/11 have tried (mostly successfully) to dupe you? Are you possibly even beginning to realise that the this overwhelming hatred toward Russia and wish to damage her in every which way is thoroughly unjust? Perhaps you aren’t quite there yet, I know.
You are daily primed to exhibit disgust and anger toward Russia. Russia you are told is doing a totally evil thing, an unprovoked thing, something heinous beyond words meriting punishments beyond anything previously seen. Putin in this narrative is an absolute monster, possibly worse than Hitler, a murderer, a poisoner, a thief and a despot… the evil dictator of Russia out to destroy western democracy and rule the world.
None of this is true. NONE OF IT. I am not saying however that he is a perfect saint and infallible. No human being alive now is as far as I know. He said as much in his first speech on being elected president of Russia in 2000. He said he was only human and that he would make mistakes… but he gave a solemn promises to the Russian people, that he would ALWAYS do what he considered best for them and his beloved nation.
And that is precisely what he is doing now.