Why is it that humanity appears incapable of living in peace despite this intent being common among the vast majority of us?
Who “knows best” in this world? Who are the new missionaries travelling around the world to “civilise” savages and tell them how they ought to live? Who are those who believe their interests are more important than anyone else's? Which people believe they are exceptional when others are not? Which believe they are superior and have a duty to make others live like them? Who are those who are causing 90% of the turmoil, death and destruction in this world?
A minority among us see it as their vocation in life to terminate that which offends them and replace it with something they have agreed among themselves is more fit and proper. They consider themselves as “doing good” by disrupting any status quo they deem unfit and instigating whatever chaos is necessary to replace it. They never seem to doubt themselves or their mission for a moment. They portray themselves as saints doing “God’s work” just as the missionaries who told the Africans to cover themselves and adopt western ways.
Much as the Nazis or Fascists who so believed in themselves that committing mass slaughter didn’t trouble their consciences at all there are currently people wearing crosses and swearing on the Bible who see no part of the world where war would be a problem. These are not priests or ministers of the church, these are politicians. Politicians in designer suits who appear to be respectable people to any casual observer. They speak in quite measured tones. But they wield influence that is utterly deadly.
No atrocity is to be seen as wholly bad by such people. If the result suits them then it will have been “worth it”. The end always justifies the means to such people. In public they will assume the mantle of fair-minded men and women who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Family men and women who went to the very best schools and universities, who served their countries to the best of their ability… apparently. They will smile for the camera and kiss babies at election time. They visit the required events and give convincing speeches. They will shake your hand warmly if you seem safe and presentable to them and their bodyguards.
Was it always so that these men and women acted as genesis to mass slaughter through history? The “benign” elites with a perfect public persona but who, when back within their private seclusion signalled their armed minions to do their evil bidding where thousands, or millions, died? Was it always such publicly empathetic and privately psychopathic individuals who wreaked havoc down the ages after gaining the power they required through such endless deception? Are they operating now in Israel, Ukraine, Whitehall and Washington? If there is terror, death, destruction and atrocity then they surely are.
Great post. Thank you !
I think EGO is the fundamental issue.
I wonder if here is a part of the answer....https://open.substack.com/pub/thefloutist/p/force-marched-into-immorality