What has happened, is happening or is about to happen in Ukraine to cause the current escalation in western rhetoric with daily accusations that Russia is at fault?
We will see that the actuality is far from the fantasy picture being painted by western elite sources, in fact it is the reverse of that fantasy depiction of events in Ukraine.
Why would either side wish to foment a situation where lives could be lost at any moment?
Who would have a reason to build the pressure likely to cause that loss of life and what might that reason be?
And finally, what factors are missing from the equation that informs the analyses seen daily in western mass media and across internet social media sites such as Twitter?
It is very clear that few, if any, fundamental steps are being taken to calm the situation and avert the likelihood of open conflict. One side or the other must have a compelling reason to keep the tension high. What might that be?
Many accusations and assertions are constructed making Vladimir Putin out to be the 'bad guy' in all this. There is nothing unusual in that however, this has been par for the course for well over a decade and a half now. In the West virtually every politician and news outlet in the mainstream says there is no justification for the so-called massing of Russian troops near the Russian-Ukraine border. Is this correct?
In fact no. There is justification aplenty as we will see.
In the past year we will find multiple good reasons for the presence of those troops.
1. Ukraine held mass training sessions where Ukrainian troops took part in exercises with NATO forces.
2. Ukraine has been massively building up its military forces in proximity to the two autonomy-seeking republics largely composed of Russian speakers who have Russian passports.
3. The West has been supplying Ukraine with ever-increasing numbers of weapons and in recent months with those of a higher specification and lethality.
4. Ukraine has acquired weaponized military drones from Turkey and has used them to hit targets within the republics.
5. In recent months the Ukrainian president, Zelensky has begun a pogrom against Russian and pro-Russian entities within Ukraine. Opposition politicians have been accused of treason and arraigned for trial, opposition (Russian language) TV stations have been shut down.
6. The rhetoric from officialdom, led by Zelensky in Ukraine has become increasingly heated against Russia whereas in his presidential run and in the early days of Zelensky's presidency he vowed to repair relations with Russia.
7. Ukraine has received endless moral encouragement from the West and NATO regarding its eventual entry into NATO along with Georgia. This is a red line for Russia that cannot contemplate for a moment having NATO troops and weaponry right up close to its border.
8. The refusal of Kiev to implement its promises in the Minsk agreements and the clear abandonment of them sent a strong warning signal to Moscow that Kiev was intent on using other, military means to resolve the situation in their favor alone.
9. Each step of the way in the events depicted above the Ukrainian president and the Ukrainian government has received the full backing of western political elites and western mass media.
Take all of the factors above in combination and you can see why Putin and Russia are concerned enough about these developments to have a contingency force ready to take on any eventualities. These factors are why the Russian troops stand ready. Russia has stated that it will protect its people in south-eastern Ukraine if they are attacked in a full-scale military campaign by Kiev. That obvious possibility considering points 1 to 9 above is a very real one and an eventuality that neither Putin nor the Russian state can afford to ignore.
With points 1-9 being the case and with the U.S., UK and others backing the mounting aggression being shown by Ukraine, what other choice did Putin and Russia have? They had none. Sit back and hope for the best? No. There was no way they could countenance such a strategy in the circumstance. Russia's troops are there to ensure no such action as described above by Ukraine are taken and if it is, to react swiftly and decisively to end it.
The growing aggression from the Ukrainian authorities with the attendant backing for it and support of it with financial and military assistance from the West shows clearly that the danger inherent in the present situation comes not from Putin or Russia but from Ukraine and the western powers.
Putin has called constantly for the implementation of Minsk to resolve the entire situation. He has never called since the start of the conflict for any solution involving violence. Minsk calls for the authorities in Kiev to speak directly to the leaders of the autonomy-seeking republics and to pass a bill in its Duma to allow federalized status to these regions. This latter is a crucial step as eastern Ukraine has very different loyalties and historical/cultural/ linguistic factors underpinning its society and mentality from the west. These need a system of semi-autonomous control free from oppression and/or domination by Kiev. Without this guarantee of democratic rights to choose the long time heritage beloved by each region further conflict is inevitable.
Yet Kiev refuses to budge, kept fixed in its positioning by ultra-nationalism and deep-seated hatred stemming from as far back as World War Two. Eastern Ukraine in general looks east. Western Ukraine west. Therefore an agreement to resolve this situation after the Euromaidan revolution took down the democratically elected presidency and government of Ukraine in 2014. (A president and government voted in via the greatest majority living in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. By taking them down this was the clear signal to those living in the east that their democratic rights were now nullified.)
The reasons above are why there is an imminent risk of a hot war breaking out at Europe's eastern frontier. The reasons have nothing whatsoever to do with "Russian Aggression". The reality is quite the reverse, this situation has arisen due to western aggression by its getting behind a coup in Kiev in the winter of 2013-14. This has led directly to the situation now prevailing.
But why double down? Why push this so hard? Ukraine is not a strategic asset to the West beyond a certain point. It should not be all or nothing for the West so why does it risk mass bloodshed and a war that would devastate Europe's economy and set back nations even further afield?
The answer lies in the days immediately after the events of 9/11. It was decided in meetings that took place then that ALL entities not in full compliance with the U.S. as the predominant force in the world must be regarded as risks for the nation and must therefore be eliminated as threats. It is dressed up in all kinds of fancy words such as 'Human Rights', 'Democracy', 'Freedom', 'Western Liberal Values' and 'A Rules-Based International System' but at its heart it is merely the push to rid itself of all entities not conforming to its needs and wishes. In practice it is a campaign to remove all non-conforming entities from power and the operative word is ALL and the determination is to do this as soon as possible. Hence no true diplomacy, hence no diminution of pressure and instead the incessant ramping up of pressure on all selected targets.
Above are the reasons why the situation in Ukraine continues to worsen. They are the reasons why bloodshed is almost inevitable. They provide an insight into exactly who is behind the reckless drive toward conflict and quite possibly outright war. And they show precisely why what you are hearing about Ukraine from the West is reality reversed.