Which population on earth is most confident that what they hear second hand through an electronic box on the wall is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
It’s supposed to be something that’s done to the captive audiences “over there”, those poor brainwashed souls who can never think straight and get their buttons pushed constantly to obey their evil, Machiavellian leaders. In the western world it’s different, or so many still believe. In the consciousness of most westerners the BBC and CNN tell them the truth and nothing but the truth. They believe this sincerely and will tell you so. Their television sets that they paid so much for that they view religiously MUST be delivering thoroughly vetted information. To think otherwise is to question, well… everything they have long assumed to be real. Havn’t they been told they live in the ‘free world’ where honest brokers run everything in all the top positions?
Now if you are one of that majority who believe implicitly in what you hear in your daily and nightly news broadcasts then you will say, yes, it’s true, we are blessed to live in part of the world that’s free of the brainwashing that comes through propaganda. But you WOULD say that if you were thoroughly brainwashed, wouldn’t you? All those years of trusting the BBC, of switching on to hear “the news” at six o’ clock or ten o’clock and innocently taking all that is said in and storing it as your daily diet of facts. Day after day and night after night for year after year after year. They wouldn’t lie to you. Would they? Unthinkable!
Do you compare what they say with other sources? No? Too busy. You don’t have the time or inclination. It’s all delivered on a plate. Why labour the point? Why waste time when your time is short enough already? The household accounts need attention, as do the kids, then there’s the nightly meal… and besides there’s that new film to fit in between other stuff. Who needs the aggravation of searching for confirmation or otherwise of what you’ve heard on the Beeb or CNN? Anyway, they are familiar, professionally made programmes that are as familiar as a visit to your local mall. What could be the problem?
Yet, in recent times, could it just possibly be that a few niggling doubts have started to filter through to your usually complacent consciousness? Was all you were told about Covid kosher? Looking at the situation in Ukraine weren’t you told for month after month that the Russians were being crushed? Funny that it looks very different now, isn’t it? And what about the current bloodbath in the Middle East and the role of the U.S. and UK governments in it? Aren’t you doubting just a little all those reassuring statements of support for Israel. Isn’t the supply of endless weapons to the Israelis with which to deliver ever more carnage making you think a little more and question a little more perhaps?
Careful now. You may be starting to doubt those who run not only the BBC and CNN but also those who they look up to as political leaders. You may begin to realise that all those years when you believed they were supplying the unvarnished truth they were in fact trimming their content to fit certain agendas and narratives. But perhaps you are casting such doubts aside as likely to cause you anxieties you don’t need when all your attention is needed for the practicalities and leisure activities that fill your day. But… but… just maybe these thoughts won’t be cast aside so easily. Once you begin to doubt what they are telling you those doubts may well fester and grow until one day it hits you in a moment of sudden enlightenment. The western world is in fact the most propagandised region on the planet. Its leaders as well as its news broadcasters are liars and Machiavellian tricksters, dirty tricksters… and that for years they have made a fool of you, duped you and made you their slave.