No one authorized the USA to govern the world. It does it simply because it can.
It can because no other nation or group of nations has the will or the ability to stop it.
As usual you must follow the money... but also in this case, the tracks of a powerful aggressor.
The USA has taken the rights that every aggressor nation down through history has, the rights that come with power, to dominate, regulate and punish those that it has conquered or who are weaker.
It does this because it can, not because any democratic process has accorded it this right.
A nation whose elites laud the concepts of legality, justice and democracy doesn’t this sound a rather odd and discordant note?
Take the attitude of successive U.S. political elites to the United Nations. Tolerated will ill will at best and seen as a nuisance and barrier to their plans at worst. When there was a rabid desire by both the USA and UK to attack, invade and occupy Iraq they needed to circumvent the UN. Russia, China and France had all stated explicitly that they were not in agreement and that such acts would create many more negative effects than they would end. And so it has been seen. But the two main actors desiring war made sure they got their way. They had the NSA bug every UN office of nations doubtful of giving support. Ultimately, by one doubtful method or another they got their way and we all know with what catastrophic results for the region.
There can be no doubt that the elites of the USA want the world under their control. This has been the case for numerous reasons since the end of the Second World War but since 9/11 it has become an imperative goal for them. It is not possible for them to colonize the entire planet in order to control it of course. This is not the intent. Then how do they indent it? The answer to this question will also provide the answer to the question in the title of this commentary: ‘Why Can’t America Leave The World Alone?’
First, what would happen if America DID leave the world alone? This question provides a secondary answer to our main one. Because Israel would be left to its own devices. Also, vital interests (as seen by U.S. elites) would be at risk.
For many reasons, including the financial and political power of Jewish elites in the USA, the eternal protection of Israel is seen as a sacrosanct and almost holy duty, almost without limit in terms of blood and treasure. These days this is measured in treasure though plenty of American blood has been spent in the past.
Then there are those vital interests. In recent decades the primary vital interest was of course maintaining the constant flow of enough oil, vital to their economy and thence their continued power. These interests are not only in terms resources however, they cover a great many areas of influence and since 9/11 these areas of interests are considered even more vital than before.
One of their most important areas of interest apart from Israel is of course Europe. Britain and Europe are linked to the USA by both historical and political ties. They consider themselves as an inextricably linked group founded on the same values. Chief of these values is a consideration that they are more civilized than anywhere outside their sphere of influence. They consider themselves exceptional in every area that counts for anything as seen through their eyes. That this is a completely self-interested and incestuous point of view and inherently racist in its outlook apparently does not occur to them. They assert they occupy the highest position of all across the all fields of civilized morality, human rights integrity and compassionate selflessness.
Yet... it has been these very nations that created a matrix of lies about others that they used to justify fracturing the entire Middle East and bringing about the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
That they skipped past this fact very quickly and indeed hardly halted for a second before pointing fingers at other candidates for regime change should deeply trouble anyone reading this.
The elites of the USA are not interfering in every other nation worldwide in the hope of assisting them to gain freedom, democracy and access to western liberal values as they say. This is the cover story that was a no-brainer to decide upon at the start and continues to be used to this day. The motivations are as above, to protect their allies and to maintain access to resources they have come (as profligate users of them) to depend upon, and to constantly prop up and increase their influence.
In addition to these reasons to maintain their “engagement” with the world (as they see it) there is an overarching intent and goal which was perhaps always there, but which received rocket boosters after 9/11, to be in a position to have complete oversight and manipulable control over all aspects of life on Earth, this to ensure U.S. security in perpetuity.
These are the many reasons why America simply can’t leave the rest of the world alone.