No one gave the USA the right to determine how other nations govern themselves.
There is no universal authorization for its elites to criminally attack others when they have not lifted a finger against them or their nation.
It takes these dictatorial rights only through its ability to overwhelm others using economic and military power in alliance with its colonialist partners in the West.
It has no inalienable right to demonize, destabilize, subvert and otherwise interfere in, and harm, sovereign nations that are unable to fight back in any effective manner.
It does all this simply because it can and because no judicial, human rights or non-governmental organization in the West will stand up to it and condemn its illegal activities.
Until now no nation or group of nations was strong enough to confront the USA and its partners in crime and insist they put an end to their illegal activities, war crimes, human rights abuses and crimes against humanity.
As is almost always the case it pays to 'follow the money.' But also in this case to follow the tracks of the world's most powerful aggressor and predator.
The USA has appropriated the rights that every aggressor nation down through history has taken to itself, the rights that come with the greatest power in your sphere of influence, power to dominate, to regulate and to punish those it finds to be weaker than itself. It does this out of self-interest at all times, not because any democratic process has accorded it this right. And certainly not because of some selfless principles concerning democratic principles or individual freedom. It does so to enrich itself and increase its influence.
For a nation whose elites purport to laud the concepts of legality, justice and democracy, doesn’t their murderous warfare sound a very odd and discordant note? Take the attitude of successive U.S. political elites to the United Nations. They have tolerated the UN with ill-will at best and have constantly seen it as a nuisance and barrier to their plans. When there was a rabid desire by both the USA and UK to attack, invade and occupy Iraq they needed to circumvent the UN. Russia, China and France all stated their opposition to this plan and that such acts would create many more negative effects than they would bring to an end. And so it has been. But the two main actors desiring war made sure they got their way and due to the legal supervisory bodies of the West being in their pocket or in fear of them they did so with total immunity from censure.
In their determined campaign to wage war against Iraq they had the NSA bug every office within the United Nations of countries they considered may not give them the support they required. Ultimately, by one doubtful method or another, they got their way and the catastrophic results for the region that have ensued are clear.
There can be no doubt that the elites of the USA want the world under their control. This has been the case for numerous reasons since the end of the Second World War but since 9/11 it has become the most imperative goal for them. Of course, it is not possible for them to colonize the entire planet in order to dominate and control it. Then what IS their intent?
The answer to the question above will also provide the answer to the question in the title of this commentary: ‘Why Can’t The USA Leave The Rest of the World Alone?’
To understand this we must ask, what would happen if the USA DID leave the rest of the world alone?
Losing Patrician Control
The USA along with its colonialist exploiters have gained the most prominent position in the world through the exploitation of others. They jealously guard their power, protecting their criminally gained privileges over others. They consider themselves superior to all others through having reaped the benefits gained from an ultra-aggressive attitude to taking from others to empower themselves. This factor has a secondary element:
The Rise of Russia and China
With Vladimir Putin becoming president of Russia and stating in 2007 that Russia would follow her own course and not be any other nation's vassal he and his colleagues within Russia's system of governance became seen as a threat to the further advance of western power. The conceit they nurtured was that they could transform the entire planet to reflect their values and could therefore effectively subjugate all remaining nations to fall in line with their self-awarded superior status. In this way, their patrician control would be made permanent. The economic rise of China is now thwarting this goal. Alongside China, the firm stance of Russia in defending her sovereignty has meant that the USA and its allies see it as impossible to let these circumstances continue. To do so is to gradually lose their present power over time and lose any hope of their goal of global hegemony.
Uncontrolled Activity
The USA has made a great many enemies for itself over the years. It has interfered in just about every nation on the planet at one time or another, bringing down leaders, subverting governments, supporting coups and assassinations among a plethora of other unconscionable and criminal acts. It now, especially after 9/11, sees the need to engage every last one of those nations and arrange for quislings and quisling governments to gain power. U.S. elites dare not leave these nations alone. If they do they fear revenge in payment for their past acts.
Another consequence of leaving the world to its own devices is that Israel would be left to its own devices. The vital interests of U.S. elites in all fields and professions would then be at risk. For a whole host of reasons, including the financial and political power of Jewish elites in the USA, the eternal protection of Israel is seen as a sacrosanct duty, almost without limit in terms of blood and treasure.
Vital Interests.
In recent decades the primary vital interest of the West was of course maintaining the constant flow to them of enough oil, vital to their economy and thence their continued power. This has become a secondary or tertiary concern, overtaken by some of the others above.
The interests and factors above are not only in terms of resources however, they cover a great many areas considered of national interest and since 9/11 these areas of interest are considered far more vital than ever before.
THE U.S. in Europe
One of their most important areas of interest of the U.S. elites, apart from Israel, is of course Europe. Britain and Europe are linked to the USA by both historical and political ties. They consider themselves as an inextricably linked group founded on the same values. Chief of these values is a consideration that they are more civilized than anywhere outside their sphere of influence. They consider themselves exceptional in every area that counts for anything as seen through their eyes. That this is a completely self-interested and incestuous point of view and inherently racist in its outlook apparently does not occur to them. They assert they occupy the highest position of all across every field of civilized activity and morality, human rights, integrity and compassionate selflessness. Yet it has been these very nations that have created a matrix of lies about others which they used to justify fracturing the entire Middle East and bringing about the deaths of hundreds of thousands within sovereign nations.
That they moved on from their murderous activities in the Middle East and indeed hardly halted for a second before pointing fingers at other candidates for regime change, should deeply trouble anyone reading this.
The elites of the USA are interfering in every nation worldwide, asserting that they wish to bring them freedom, democracy and access to western liberal values. This cover story was a no-brainer from the first day mentioned and continues to be so to this day. The true motivations however are certainly as portrayed above, to protect their assets, power and interests and expand them infinitely and to reward their allies through maintaining access to resources and markets they have come to depend upon, and to therefore constantly prop up their dominant status.
In addition to the reasons above which demand their “engagement” with the world (as they call it) there is the preeminent and overarching goal stated above, which was perhaps always there, but which received rocket boosters under it after 9/11. This is to be in a position to have complete oversight and manipulable control over all aspects of life on Earth. This is due to the elite desire to ensure U.S. security in perpetuity. This is the primary motivator at this present stage in the West's war against the rest of the world. It is because the economic rise of China will undoubtedly thwart this goal that we are essentially living through world war three currently.
This latter case and those described earlier are in my opinion the many reasons why the USA simply can’t leave the rest of the world alone.