You will surely have wondered what is going on, why the world is headed toward an ever-approaching cataclysm of violence. Who is pushing us in this direction and why?
The reason for the question above is quite obvious given a little thought.
All one needs to do is observe which region of the world has dominated the rest for the last several hundred years. Then look at where that region stands now, its condition, prospects and most crucially, those of its rivals.
The successive leaders of the western world over the last several years have held the predominance of power on this planet. They secured for themselves what they thought was an unassailable position over all others. They were the paramount wheelers and dealers, the game changers and elite masters of our world, and thought they always would be and that this was tantamount to God’s will. They came to believe this was how it should be, that anything other than their continual rule would bring disaster.
Feeling you are the guardians of all that is good is a very seductive notion. It brings with it a comfortable notion of being imbued with all rightness, governing in the right and proper way, all justice emanating from yourselves. That your position also brings you the ability to manipulate events, individuals and entire nations to your benefit is regarded as almost an unmentionable factor. To yourselves you are the rightful heirs to the world with an honourable duty to discipline all those in it as you and only you know the right way for all others to live.
The mythologies that are used to justify conceiving western ways to be unquestionably right, superior and exceptional are many. The political, media, social and business elites of the USA, UK and Europe have permeated their societies with the belief that all right conduct, just acts and benevolent distribution of rights emanates solely from them. The West as the crown of creation, all just, all knowing, all wise and rightful provider of all justice is embedded deep within all western thought. Those who have presided over the West for as long as anyone can remember have held these view implicitly and without question and continue to do so to this day.
Therefore, in the light of all of the above, all the locked-in, fixed notions of superiority and all the myriad benefits that accrue from this self-serving status, you can imagine how it feels to know that it is all about to be lost. With the rise of China the western elites saw clearly that their seemingly God-given status of world guardian was about to be drained of all substance and ultimately consigned to the history books, superseded by rising powers that would link themselves to China when in the past it was to them that others gravitated.
This is the core issue which drives the current western leadership to wage war. It is this issue that drives them mad also. Their insane determination to cling on to the power that they believed would ALWAYS be theirs and which they could now see slipping away. The thought of losing both the myths and the reality of their power that those myths support is simply unbearable and anathema to them. They will do, and are doing, everything possible in their power to attack and destroy those who are rising to take all this away from them, that which they feel is there’s as of right.
This is why they attack Orban, Fico and potentially will attack Trump… all those who reject their warmongering stance and who do all they can to find a way to peace. They don’t want peace, peace for them means the end of their reign as the “superior” power in the world. They need war, war and ever more war until they can bring China, Russia and all others who threaten their ability to continue dominating the world. To allow peace is to allow the status quo, a status quo that is inexorably working against them, the new, emerging status quo of ever greater multipolarity.
This is why they put all of us at risk. They appear ready to destroy this world if they cannot control it, use it, dominate it and exploit it as they have been used to and wished always to. For them this is the death of everything yet in reality it is only the death of THEIR influence and the natural rise of others. Blind to the possibility that others may do a much more equitable and peaceful job in cooperating and displaying tolerance for diverse forms of governance they fight tooth and claw to maintain their dominance.