The first thing to say is that Ukraine is clearly not intrinsically important by and of itself.
Until a few years ago it was hardly mentioned and rarely appeared in any official state document in the West regarding any such importance and even more rarely did it feature in western mainstream news.
In addition, it is clear that the collective west is fully committed to Ukraine even if it causes a complete breakdown of its own economic system, the collapse of confidence in its financial dominance and the abject misery of its people and those of the entire world as energy and food poverty reach levels not seen in centuries.
Why is it then, despite its insignificance in years past that Ukraine has been accorded a status of the highest possible category of importance to just about every western state you could mention to a frenetic degree approaching rabid hysteria?
It’s a story that goes back to the most seminal events of our lifetimes, the 9/11 attacks on the United States and the decisions made immediately afterwards by the most powerful elites on the planet.
In essence Ukraine is important because of Russia. And not because Russia sent a military force into Ukraine on the 24th of February this year… but as a tangential factor, the possibility of a Russian success.
Going back to 9/11, it was quite clearly decided that there existed an absolute necessity that the USA must accomplish in the shortest time frame possible, i.e. the next day if at all possible. Naturally this was not possible but the time frame I have given is my suggestion of just how urgent this absolute necessity was and which would lead ultimately to lowly Ukraine becoming vitally important.
The vital necessity was of course in the furtherance of the 100% security that it was naturally decided that the USA MUST have to prevent anything remotely like the events of 9/11 happening again. This would require not only removing and replacing all regimes antipathetic to the means required for this necessity to be achieved, but due to the zero-limited time frame no such regime or the entities within it must have ANY success that could make the difficulty of unseating it more difficult than it already was.
This is the essence of why Ukraine is important now and why it has little to do with Ukraine, its merits, demerits, attractiveness of its people or otherwise, or any factor intrinsically to do with the nation itself.
Let me explain the fundamentals involved as I see them.
You will perhaps have noticed how those nations that the USA and its allies have targeted have been harried without let or hindrance and quite beyond what might have been expected in previous times when a certain degree of compromise via diplomacy was usual. After 9/11 diplomacy was discarded except as a pretence, used as a tactical weapon, a means of snowing an opponent for a while until the coup de gras could be more methodically applied.
No target was to be granted any leeway and if at all possible was to be demonised to the nth degree and allowed zero successes of ANY kind if this could possibly be avoided.
The fact that the Skripals incident happened just weeks before the Russian presidential elections and the Russian soccer World Cup is no coincidence. The way the Clinton defeat of 2016 was blamed was part of this same pattern, as was the “poisoning” of Alexei Navalny. Neither too were the hundreds of poison pen articles spreading rumours concerning the purportedly dastardly nature of Vladimir Putin however without producing the hard facts required to prove any of it.
The examples are too many to mention and cover every regime change target from the first to the latest. Reams of demonising text and a complete absence of any true diplomacy that might cast the target in anything approaching a positive light.
Russia however is the number one target currently and has been for many years now. Not that it is the ultimate target, that of course is China, but for now until certain objects have been achieved, it is Russia. And therefore wherever and whenever possible no good news of any kind should emerge from that land, nothing positive should be said about its leadership and absolutely no successes are to be permitted. NONE.
THIS is why Ukraine is important, not for itself alone, Ukraine and its people is not of ANY true interest of any American outside of those who have some ancestral legacy there or who have a need for it for money-laundering transactions or those who have some offspring gaining copious money for his drug habit from it.
No, Ukraine is important for the USA, UK and their European allies because Russia, as the long-time number one regime change target, cannot possibly be allowed to successfully protect its border securely. Its border must remain fragile and increasing pressure be placed upon it until something breaks inside the country. This and myriad other means have been applied across the board to instigate regime change in Russia.
And Russia breaking out from this cascade of weapons of all kinds designed to undermine it was absolutely not to happen. And therefore it was completely unthinkable that Russia would win in Ukraine. This would make undermining it, removing its leader and system of governance and replacing them both would make an already hard job much harder.
And the ultimate solution to ensure nothing like 9/11 would ever happen again, global full spectrum dominance, would be just that much further off.