Even as early as 2015 it was clear to those in the know who was responsible for the crisis in Ukraine
Shortly after this time eight years ago all-out street warfare against the democratically-elected president and government of Ukraine broke out.
The use of many forms of weaponry from improvised clubs of many types, bricks levered from cobbled streets, toxic sprays, heavy chains, Molotov cocktails, handguns, hunting rifles and even a fork-lift truck would be used against lightly armed police on Maidan Square, Kiev.
Buildings would be burned down and every other device would be deployed to create maximum anarchy and bloodshed. Militant groups of ultra-nationalists would join the fray, most formed within western Ukraine who had received training in preparation for such an event, others who travelled there from outside the country including a “battalion” of ex-IDF troops from Israel.
Training on tactics had been given in the U.S. embassy in Kiev for those who would take major roles in organising the coup. As well as the current U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoff Pyatt other notable U.S. officials became heavily involved on the side of the rioters who they naturally referred to as protestors and peaceful protestors at that. Obama gave a specific warning to the then authorities in Ukraine not to impede or harm these “peaceful protestors”. Victoria Nuland and Pyatt infamously appeared among the rioters offering foodstuffs from a bag. John McCain appeared on a stage set up on the square alongside the leader of a party once known as the Social-National Party, renamed Svoboda (‘Freedom’), Oleh Tyahnybok, known for his propensity for giving ‘Heil Hitler’ salutes.
The hand of the USA in these proceedings is undeniable. In the training given by a specialised team of trainers within the U.S. embassy and the notable interference of the above-named Americans on Maidan Square. (An infamous leaked telephone call between Pyatt and Nuland later confirmed for anyone still in doubt that this was very much a situation which the USA favoured and promoted if not one it was entirely in control of.
Ukraine was at that time and continues to be a country of split loyalties. The western half very much looks toward the West and the EU and by a great majority speaks Ukrainian, the eastern half looks toward Russia and by a great majority speaks Russian. This division between the two halves of Ukraine was reflected precisely in the result of one general election after another.
The riots on Kiev’s Maidan and the subsequent fall of both the democratically elected president and government totally undermined the democratic will and future potential of those in eastern Ukraine. It was only natural then that in the face of the coup which occurred that there would be a counter-reaction in the east. This was borne out when the people of Crimea, overwhelmingly loyal to Russia and Russian-speaking voted to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia which it been split from only in 1954 by an arbitrary edit initiated by then-president of the Soviet Union, Nikita Krushchev.
Shortly thereafter pro-Russian Ukrainians in the Donbass region of south-eastern Ukraine engaged in a bloodless takeover of government offices and demanded autonomy from Kiev-ruled Ukraine. This was backed by Russian president Vladimir Putin who urged the new Ukrainian authorities to grant the newly formed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk regional autonomy based on a federalised system of political accountability within Ukraine.
Instead of beginning negotiations with the breakaway republics Kiev sent the Ukrainian army along with disparate militant groups of ultra-nationalists who regarded those in south-eastern Ukraine as no better than the Russians they hated and despised. To such militants the pro-Russian loyalists were traitors who deserved to die en masse and they had long used the name ‘Moskals’ for them, a derogatory term designating them as Russians fit to be put on knives as their marching chant described.
As all this occurred the narrative spun in the West framed the rioters, murderers, arsonists and anti-democratic forces on Maidan as heroes who had won their freedom from the tyranny of Russian influence. The agenda which the western elites and their compliant mainstream news outlets decided upon communicated a completely false and one-sided picture of all subsequent events. The narratives then spun and the agenda then set prevail to this day. Not one line of text either in a political address or a mainstream western news report communicated anything of the other side of this story. A wholly fictitious accounting of every aspect of the conflict from those days eight years ago to today was maintained as gospel truth by all western elite sources.
Due to the utterly myopic western devotion to fostering endless lies concerning how good their side was and how bad the other the present situation of total impasse was reached. A series of agreements were arrived at between the two sides has proven to be completely unworkable. These are the ‘Minsk Agreements’ and the reason for their not being realised lies entirely with the regime in Kiev that has been unable or unwilling to realise them.
The intransigence of Kiev and the constant efforts of the U.S. and UK political elites to double down on their false narratives and malign agenda means that the world now stands on the brink of major hostilities. Both Ukraine and Georgia have been promised membership of NATO, a possibility that is anathema to Russia as it means the possibility of lethal weaponry including nuclear weapons right on its doorstep.
Russia has become increasingly insistent that neither NATO nor Georgia will ever be allowed to join NATO. NATO, an organisation set up specifically to act as a military counterweight to Russia as it was in the time of the Soviet Union is imbued with huge threat for all Russian elites and the Russian population as a whole.
Sooner or later something has to give. And Russia has shown time and time again that its red lines of national sovereignty and security are not negotiable and that NATO must back off in respect of Ukraine and Georgia or suffer the consequences.
Back in 2015, only a year after the coup and subsequent conflict in Ukraine occurred Professor John J. Mearsheimer delivered a lecture on this subject which is well worth watching. In it, he presents the facts that only he and very few others in the West were willing to acknowledge. The broad accuracy of all he says demonstrates even at this early stage in the conflict that certain facts were unassailable, both in terms of the historical reality of the causes behind the conflict and where responsibility lies for why this conflict, so near the heart of Europe, which may yet lead us all to the catastrophe of yet another world war with all the misery and mass death that comes with it.