The power and therefore influence of the West and its elites has become institutionalized. Successive ranks of these elite individuals have taken this and the precepts that go with it as a given. After so many generations their status has been taken for granted, at least by them. The power they have wielded decade after decade is not a matter of debate or question, it is an obvious fact. Alongside the evidence of the wielding of this power come the mythologies which justify it, or are seen to by those who wield the power and hand it on to subsequent generations of officials.
That the origins of this unquestioned power are questionable does not trouble the western elite mind. That they sprang from such dubious roots as privilege, slavery, occupation, colonialism, violence and oppression is not a subject for discussion n polite, or indeed in any, company. The power became theirs to wield as they saw fit and the mythologies of their goodness, civilized values, probity and good judgement overlaid all else. This position of benevolent dominance is held as a sacrosanct principle from which all else flows.
Western elites conceive that they are incapable of selfish or harmful intent. They consider their motives and actions to be self-evidently correct and above reproach and can see no earthly reason why this should be questioned. Even when hundreds of thousands die based on flawed intelligence and exaggerated claims made by their most prominent leaders they conceive of no requirement to atone or be subject to judgement. All was done with the very best of intentions even if some mistakes were made, mistakes which do not require fundamental changes in approach to either thinking, analysis or action.
The view from the upper echelons of western power is that the entire world is their domain to do with as they see fit, justified by the fact that they are the just, the righteous, the civilized, democratic, freedom-loving judges and arbiters of all that is good and appropriate and all that is bad and requiring elimination. This group-thought view is vital to hold the matrix of western power intact and any weakening of it among the rank and file members of its officialdom is seen as tantamount to treason. No quarter is given to any member questioning this status or impugning its right to exist in perpetuity.
Given all of the above we can see how those nations who do now kowtow to the power invested in the serried ranks of western elite officialdom would become objects of western anxiety and potential targets for West-generated change. We can see also how the protests arising from such nations regarding western influence/interference in their affairs would be dismissed. When an elite considers it has universal right on its side and believes invested in it are the inalienable rights of all populations everywhere then we can see that only submission to these facts will serve. All resistance to the required submission to the western righteous in such cases will be ignored as distractions.
But we are now on the cusp of momentous changes which will sweep away all such beliefs and considerations held for so many generations by western elites. And those elites are well aware of this fact and are now fighting a rearguard action to stave off the day when almost all their influence has gone. The rise of powers which the West was formally able to contain, manipulate and dominate is progressively upsetting the status quo that has been for so long beneficial to the West and which western elites have sought to portray as essential and beneficial. This threatens the entire structure of western power and the national interests of every nation allied to the West.
China is the main nation rising to challenge the power of the West. Russia also is providing the second bulwark that is inhibiting the reinforcement, increase and perpetual nature of the West's status as ultimate arbiter of right and wrong. This has never happened before to the western world, so long the proven major world power capable of exerting its influence worldwide and according to those within it, to the benefit of all. This situation is considered to be an absolutely existential threat to "good order" as seen by these elites, a threat so great that 'western liberal values' and a 'rules-based international order' could be erased and replaced. That the rising powers could bring benefits to the world cannot be contemplated or even admitted as a possibility.
Only by continuing to rise can the alternate geopolitical paradigm be assessed in terms of benefits and drawbacks, however, to the elites of the western world the possibility of positive outcomes is anathema. Just as questioning the sacrosanct goodness of the West is outlawed so too is consideration of the potential benefits arising from an alternate form of global influence. But this attitude cannot win out in the long-term as the power of the Eurasian nations rises inexorably to a point where certain realities demand to be confronted.
Russia, in its demand to have its national security requirements acknowledged, has been confronted with the western elite belief system that only its requirements and its alone have any validity. China too is confronted with the selfsame attitude from western elites determined to be proactive in making changes within any and all spheres of influence worldwide. Western elites are being confronted with the fact however that their vision of the world which they believe they have a duty to enforce on all centers of power is unsustainable in the context of the rising national powers of China and Russia.
The old unquestioned superiority held by all western elites is being challenged as never before. Yet they continue to assert their right to wield their waning power, to judge others and punish them when they contravene the precepts held as sacrosanct by themselves and their allies. They find this intolerable and this is why we have arrived at the most dangerous moments for the developed world since the height of the Cold War, arguably since the conclusion of World War II. The danger will only be over once one side or the other achieves victory.
This is why we can see that World War III has been in progress for at least a decade and a half when it became clear to western elites that their time as patrician shepherds of the world was ending. The facade of that power will be maintained to the last and will only fall when the reality of Eurasian power (primarily exhibited by China and Russia) becomes too great to ignore. At that point a significant and obvious change of tone will emerge where the rising powers begin to gain respect, their views on their national sovereignty heard and acted upon and a level of mutually beneficial dialogue and agreement is finally reached.
The elites of the western world will continue to maintain their facade of total righteousness, goodness and beneficial dominance right to the bitter end. Only after fully disabusing them of the group-thought concepts holding their matrix of obedience and myopic view of themselves and their "rights" will they begin to acknowledge that they are not the sole governors of humanity's global destiny.Â