Must we put up with our world as it has been until now and is arguably more now than ever before? That is, a world constantly at war? Or is there an alternative future we might aspire to & fight for?
The first reason why we must fight for a multipolar world is simply because the alternative is well known to us and is essentially a world always at war.
The second reason is that the alternative, if the currently dominant regional power, the western world, succeeds in its quest to become not only dominant regionally but eventually globally, the ultimate outcome will be a virtual prison planet.
The collective west is seeking to subdue all powers outside its current orbit, to weaken and subvert them in order to subsume them under its control. This quest encompasses both reasons above in that:
The likelihood is that the collective west’s goal of regime change for all nations not under its control will never succeed, at least not in our lifetime and most likely not ever. However, the wars initiated will breed ever more conflict leading to the ‘forever war’ scenario envisaged by some.
In the extremely unlikely event of the collective west achieving its goal of subduing and replacing all current national leaderships and systems of governance and replacing them with proxies that accept collective west leadership then the prison planet scenario will emerge.
There were times in recent history when it seemed that we might overcome the scourge of war as an ever-present reality. However, looking at the world as it is today we can see that this was a vain hope if present geopolitical realities continue without substantial change.
In the unlikely event of the collective west, led by the United States gaining full global control after subduing all nations not now under its control, we will find ourselves increasingly monitored for risks to the new global system of governance that would come into existence with the supreme dominance of the West. Surveillance from near space would become a global reality. Hardly a single gathering, phone call, email or financial transaction would escape logging, and where considered necessary, follow up action. George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ would well and truly become our everyday reality.
If you adhere to the school of thought that says, “If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear”, i.e. that global monitoring would be a good thing in that policing, and therefore personal safety, would be enhanced. However, if you feel that ‘Big Brother’ knowing so much about you is a threat and would be abused by those in authority then you will agree that this is an unwelcome eventuality.
A unipolar world where one power completely dominates all others or a near unipolar world where one region is constantly instigating and fighting wars to become the universal power with ‘full spectrum dominance’ can be quite easily seen as a world where fear of one kind or another will certainly dominate.
A multipolar world where power is shared among nations, where each nation has inviolable sovereignty no matter what form of governance prevails is, I would argue, a world far more likely to realise goals such as reasonably permanent stability and every prospect to deliver peace. Nations who share power and who prioritise trade above all else where agreements are formed outside of potential areas of disagreement such as the religion practiced or system of governance will surely have much less reason to fight wars. With the most significant reasons for war having little to no priority, i.e. religion and politics, the business of building bridges between cultures can progress far more successfully than now.
The urge of the collective west to impose its religion, values and political structures on others with the aim of converting all nations into its own likeness, often by subversion, sanctions, propaganda or regime change wars, is the primary cause of the instability and perpetual conflict we see occurring today. This drive for supreme dominance is, more likely than not, doomed to fail, the reasons for which Professor John J. Mearsheimer has eloquently explained in his video lecture and book ‘The Great Delusion’. This does not mean that the western powers will ever be in any mood to give up this goal. Not unless some means is found to convince those leaders of a better way forward. Failing this the only remaining way to achieve this will be to build a great enough resistance to the western way of war.
The BRICS group best exemplifies the principles that would underpin a future multipolar world. Nations working together building trading networks of cooperation and mutually beneficial agreement, irrespective of diverse factors between them such as religion or systems of governance. A world therefore of sovereign nations of diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions and political modes of governance where tolerance not intolerance (of these factors mentioned) exists as a constant background to peace and stability.
These are the reasons why we must fight for a multipolar world.