What circumstances could bring an end to all life on our planet? All it would take would be for the collective west, having dispensed with diplomacy, determining then to fight to the death.
The fractures are deep and only getting deeper, the scars appear permanent with no reparative tissue evident. Why, after all the progress humanity has made in rising above barbarity, do we find ourselves on the brink of destruction?
In the Middle East Israel has brought itself into a position where its only recourse, as it goes down for the final time, is to use nuclear weapons. In Ukraine the USA, UK an EU have brought themselves also into a position where in response to total defeat against Russia they may also use nuclear weapons.
Israel is the pawn of the West as is Ukraine. These are the links that may yet cause a chain reaction to occur. Neither the West, Israel or Ukraine contemplates a diplomatic, but only a military solution to that which confronts them. Neither are at all used to defeat. And that could be fatal for all of us.
Israel determined never to let the Palestinians have their own state. Ukraine determined never to allow its Russian-speaking population have the limited sovereignty of autonomy. These policies were not subject to review and those enforcing them did no contemplate any plan B, only military force. As is said, those who live by the sword, die by the sword. And so it is proving.
To be immovable in the face of an inexorable force brings disaster upon all. To have no wish, desire or intent whatsoever to employ diplomacy invites continually building resistance and ultimately disaster. Both the Palestinians and the Russian-speakers of Ukraine will never give up on their right to govern their own land free of threat and violence against them. The Israelis and the western powers ought to have known this as they continued their repression of both these populations.
With diplomacy being regarded all across the West due to the overweening influence of the USA after 9/11 instability and disaster were inevitable. In its campaign against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria and its intended attack on Iran the USA and its proxies ensured that the entire world security system, such as it was to that point, could no longer be sustained. All else that we see occurring today was set in motion. With rendition to black sites, torture, the use of jihadist fighters as proxies and any number of illegal, immoral and unlawful acts the USA and its allies undermined the entire international order.
In addition to the above western powers began to contemplate the strategic use of nuclear weapons in limited engagements. Nothing was considered ‘out of the box’ or ‘beyond question’ after 9/11. All means considered necessary were to be contemplated. And the primary goal due to which all these various dangerous and illegal means became contemplated was the shoring up of western power and manipulative control so damaged, or considered so, by 9/11.
In recent times it has appeared that the USA in particular, and with its proxies apparently fully agreeing, considered that no world at all was preferable to a world they could no longer control. Of course first, before contemplating such a scenario they will do absolutely everything in their power to weaken, and if possible destroy every enemy they perceive that poses a threat to their maintenance of power. The power they have held in their own hands alone since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The thought that they could lose that level of power and control to any others is complete anathema to them. This is why they are willing to contemplate THE most powerful of all weapons against those enemies.
The crises in the Middle East and Eastern Europe are only symptoms of this greater struggle between the collective west (USA, UK, EU, Baltic States, Australia and New Zealand) against the world powers now rising that are clearly destined to steadily minimise its power and influence and to eventual neutralise and quarantine it.
In essence the collective west is fighting for its life and for what it considers its domain, the entirety of the planet.
What is it NOT willing to do in the fight to accomplish those aims?
Occasionally, you hear sane voices speaking out from within the insane Western Elites so they should not be seen as a monolith. Their subjects are out in the streets protesting their suicidal policies.
German and Dutch farmers 6 months ago; the French battling Macron's tax and fascist austerity/immigration policies. Everything Western leaders are doing is hastening their downfall. New leadership is emerging that will have to listen to their constituents or face the wrath of the people. Will it be a peaceful transition like the American Revolution or will be a Jacobins bloodbath like the French Revolution? The French poodle, Macron, may be the first head to roll.