There is a reality that cannot be spoken of in the West. It cannot be accepted and must be totally denied. Every effort will be made to deny this reality and the guilt of those who brought it about.
The days when the USA and its allies could come to the rescue of their compliant proxy states when they overreach their capacity to defend themselves during wars of choice, are clearly over. The declining ability of every one of the western powers to even sustain themselves without massive, ever increasing unsustainable debts means that they have come to the end of their immunity for any further crimes against humanity they commit.
From this point onward malignant regimes such as those in Israel and Ukraine must stand alone and pay the appropriate price for any further activities mixing the previously deadly mix of supreme arrogance and mindless hubris. The criminal entities of the West can no longer act as their bodyguards or wield muscle at the United Nations to strong arm the world’s nations to comply with their wishes.
Time is up for the mafia-like West and its murderous pursuit of sustained dominance. The future for its political elites is going to be increasingly bleak as they realise the full extent of their fall, not only from power but just as importantly, from grace. Nations such as Saudi Arabia, which were close allies of the USA and the West in general at one time are now reacting to them as one would to a very bad smell. As the West falls so do others continue to rise and those rising are far more likely to be real and perpetual friends than the western powers who have turned out to be no friends at all.
The western powers have acted as global bullies, coercing nations to do their will and obey their commands, virtually always against their own interests. The West has acted until very recently as a wholly exploitative force using its military and geopolitical force to threaten other states with economic, financial or military destruction. Can anyone wonder why these nations now turn away from their torturers and exploiters with a sneer of disdain and instead seek to join those making plain their opposition to the western crimes against humanity committed with impunity until now?
The obvious cases for the continuing and deepening malaise within the West as it exposes its increasing weakness to the world are Israel and Ukraine. Israel has lost its genocidal attack upon the Palestinians in Gaza. The USA, its patron is now indelibly linked to the mass murder being perpetrated by its wicked child Israel. Each day sees an ever greater humiliation building for the entire bastard nation that the West forced on Palestine and for those who continually attempt to minimise its unconscionable wickedness.Â
Netanyahu’s criminal regime, by slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians and thousands of children in Gaza will fully deserve its pariah status and the coming economic collapse of Israel as a viable state. They can blame no one but themselves, aided and abetted by the equally criminal nations of the West who are now fully exposed as the sponsors and avid supporters of genocide. We should hear no more sanctimonious words from them regarding specious claims regarding their moral and ethical superiority and their upholding of global human rights and so-called exceptional western values.
After the ultraviolet insurrection and coup in Kiev in 2014 against the democratically-elected president and government of Ukraine the seal was set on the second geopolitical disaster now providing a secondary gaping wound in the edifice of western superiority. The Ukrainian regime is yet another abortion brought into being by the West and the second abomination to expose the increasing weakness of the western coalition of nations. The desire of the western powers to bring down and break up the Russian Federation has delivered yet another self-inflicted significant blow to themselves.
The downfall of both Israel and Ukraine became inevitable as the strength of those opposing the long-term brutal malignancy of the West grew to a point that allowed others to express their independence. India is one case among many where appeals by the collective west to show unity against Russia failed completely and links to Russia were instead maintained and indeed strengthened. Nations queuing up to join the BRICS has grown and grown providing the most potent expression of abandonment of the western bullies. The global majority is now firmly on the side of Russia and China in defiant rejection of those nations in the west who held them by dint of military and economic threat and covert subversion until now.
There will be no going back. The future belongs to wiser heads who seek a world where a balance of power is the goal and never again the fiefdom of any single nation or group of nations. Within that world where trade is the priority, not terror, where agreement, not aggression is the order of the day and bridges are built rather than burnt, it may be that there is room for a much reduced Israel and Ukraine, however, this remains to be seen. This after it is fully recognised that they are both clearly authors of their own misfortune.Â