Lies, lies and ever more lies... What basis is there for any trust in what issues from Kiev, Washington, London and Brussels now?
There has never been such a group of obsessive and perpetual deceivers as those within Zelensky’s cabal. Yet their every lie was broadcast to the western world through a media that without a shadow of a doubt knew they were lying and didn’t care. It was all supposed to help “the cause”, the national interests of the USA, UK and most of the EU. Those national interests were also the interests of those who owned that media. The politicians and the media moguls were in this together… up to their necks as they say.
Deceiving western populations should not have been easy. They had been lied to so often in recent times that their resistance ought to have been high to being lied to again. But sadly this was not the case. It was as if the political and media deceptions regarding Iraq, Libya, Syria et al had never taken place. The gullibility level in the West had been reset at square one, year zero. Somehow everyone was ready to be snowed again given the appropriate level of ignorance regarding previous events that made the conflict in Ukraine understandable.
The appropriate level of ignorance had been achieved partly through omission and partly through deception. The omission and deception involved the entire period in Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. The frequency of both all the way through to February 2022 when Russia’s campaign began comprise a constant litany during this time. Western mass media showed a complete disinterest in the shelling of Russian-speaking populations in eastern Ukraine by the Ukrainian army and its militia helpers. You would have sought in vain for any mention of this. Yet upwards of 10,000 died during this period at their hands.
The final toll of fatalities in eastern Ukraine due to Ukrainian army shelling of apartment blocks, schools, hospitals, family homes and town centres is as yet incomplete. The death toll continues to this day. Overall, including all deaths during this period at the last accounting was over 15,000. The majority being the deaths of Russian-speaking civilians as estimated above. It was after all the Ukrainian army that had laid siege to these urban conurbations and they who fired their mortar shells and missiles into them. Any defensive replies to this onslaught could not possibly claim the same number of lives.
In spite of the obvious logic of the figures above you would have sought in vain to hear any attribution to who was doing the killing. There were inferences however. You would have been encouraged to believe this was all about the Russians, or their proxies (as you were told) the Separatists. No mention at all was made of who was laying siege to whom. No clue was given that might enlighten you, no comprehensive overview was ever attempted. The constant message that was repeated endlessly involved only “The Russians” or “The Separatists”. Think back, did you ever hear mention of the Ukrainian army shelling the people of the Donbass? Did you hear this said even once?
This was not the first deception of course. The entire period of the Maidan insurrection that brought western political favorites to power in Kiev was replete with them. One of the most egregious was Barack Obama calling the rioters torching government buildings and using every form of weapon available to them to murder the Kiev police force, “peaceful protestors”. Naturally the president and government (who were democratically elected) were labeled with any number of pejorative terms so that the murderous “peaceful protestors” could be categorized as positively as possible (molotov cocktails, toxic sprays, hand guns, bricks and clubs notwithstanding).
From the very first days of the illegal regime which found its way to power via U.S. government officials such as Geoffrey Pyatt (U.S. Ambassador to Kiev) and Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State) the lies and deceptions simply poured from every western leader. A deeply flawed vote in the Ukrainian parliament after the coup began a litany of omission, distortion and barefaced lying that extends to this very day and hour. Misinformation has been the rule for every political and media elite across the western world from those dark days in 2014 to these. None dare call it a conspiracy though an agreement to tell only one side of this story is at least patently obvious. War mode where you never say anything good about your foe and nothing bad about your friend demands it.
Lie upon lie, distortion and deception has been the order of virtually every day for successive regime’s in Kiev. Nothing they have ever said could be taken for a fact yet this stream of falsification and obvious fabrication was transmitted in headline form to mislead western populations into believing Zelensky, his minions and the entire criminal enterprise they pursued against the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine and their Russian protectors was the gospel truth. You were, if you were a believer in the honesty of western mass media deceived in depth, brainwashed and conditioned to levels that Joseph Goebbels would have been open-mouthed in admiration at the results. A thoroughly nasty piece of work, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy was transformed into a reborn Winston Churchill almost overnight.
The fairy tale spun in the West concerning Ukraine and what has transpired since 2014 and the Maidan coup is enough to make anyone with a little nous believe our so-called ‘Information Age’ had gone into fast reverse and was now making people terminally ignorant. That so many fell for the conditioning after the dire level of trust in politicians that emerged from the regime change wars is quite remarkable. Sinners became saints. Victims became perpetrators. All with a wave of a media wand assisted by the deep and abiding cynicism of its political masters. Misinformation, Disinformation, Propaganda, Brainwashing… it’s what ‘others’ do, isn’t it? Not this time. Not at any time over recent decades either…
Thankfully many have woken up since this latest regime change scheme was concocted. Instead of get this or that Middle Eastern leader it became get Putin and getting Russia into a war in Ukraine was a technique that had worked once before, in Afghanistan in the Seventies. Setting such traps is stock in trade for the vast U.S./ western intel empire Setting the trap then fueling and constantly fostering the subsequent mass violence, death and destruction that follows. Sitting back and watching from afar as your proxies fight, die and perhaps win for you. So it is once again in Ukraine, just as it was in Syria before Russia spoiled their “game”. Keep the pot boiling, do everything except seek peace through diplomacy. Let them die for you ‘over there’... cost efficient and “clever”.
Those who want war will always find a way to organize things so that trust is undermined between those fighting. Boris Johnson whispered any number of believable lies into Zelensky’s ear in the spring of 2022 just over a month into the conflict. His actual words are unknown but they surely reduced down to this: “Negotiating peace is a very bad idea, we’ll provide you with all the financial and military support you need to beat the Russians.” And Zelensky fell for it. Since that time, in lieu of victories on the battlefield (as promised by Boris) Zelensky has relied on slick public relations, the willingness of western politicians and media to lie for him and a constant supply of false statistics, big imaginary successes and in short a bunch of fabrications faithfully transmitted in the West.
The lie factory that exists among the corridors of power in Kiev has now produced its latest attempt at deception. Zelensky, its director, wants to give the impression that he wants the conflict to end. This while demanding ever more weapons with which to fight it and having issued a decree that no one was to talk with the other side. Meanwhile a terrorist act in Moscow takes place using a car bomb. What kind of peace is Zelensky looking for? None. This is simply the latest lie from a dictator and western world that has completely forgotten how to be honest. Will the western audience be fooled? Less now than ever before. Will the Russians? Not a chance.
Here’s a long list of 27+ major Zelensky’s lies with all the evidence proving he is not trustworthy: https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/p/zelenskys-lies