A guest who always outstays his welcome due to being in a constant state of entitlement, has a new plan. He'll curry favour by serving up a disgusting, rehashed meal long past its sell-by date.
From the delusional universe of Volodymyr Zelensky, the world’s greatest consumer of weaponry, comes version two of his re-heated ‘peace plan’.
This one will have more holes in it than a Swiss cheese. Quite appropriate that, as it will be re-cooked and served up once again in Switzerland come mid-June. This unappetising fondue will be something to be dipped into by only the less discriminating guests at the table. Russia will be happy to be excluded and it is sure she will reject all attempts to encourage her to come within a sniff of that unlucky table.
Zelensky, already known as an inveterate scrounger, greedily eating up anything set before him, will without doubt call everything on the menu delicious. Gorging himself on vacuous statements by other guests promising him endless supplies of whatever it is he wants, Zelensky will however express his petulant dissatisfaction as usual. “Can I have some more?” More, more and even more is all the little gourmand knows for table talk. It’s all quantity rather than quality with the man with an endless stomach… for trouble.
Out of his miserable kitchen the Zelensky’ peace “plan” demands Russia leave everywhere it has liberated from his Nazi hordes, including Crimea. Then and only then will Zelensky be ready to talk peace. If this makes any sense to you then you must be the “Peace Plan” president himself because to everyone else it is totally devoid of rationality.
What would be the point of Russia talking to Zelensky at all if Russia was to agree to the clock being wound back to 2014 when the then Ukrainian regime took over and began eliminating all things Russian from Ukraine and began transforming itself in to a NATO member? Would they engage in small talk about the weather?
I mean “Duh!” What kind of nuttiness IS that? The kind cooked up in an addled brain is what, in the small demented and delusional mind of a second-rate comic? This is all so incredibly idiotic but may well raise a laugh or two… of derision.
This is the concoction: Russia to surrender everything achieved to date, to open the gates to Ukraine joining NATO, allow the Nazis who hate the Russian-speakers of the Donbass to exert domination of them and suffer the citizens of Crimea to be slaughtered while Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol is replaced by a NATO navy? To call this a peace plan would only make sense in the context of a revised version of George Orwell’s ‘1984’, i.e. as in his slogan representing the duplicitous modus operandi of a totalitarian state, ‘WAR IS PEACE’.
No, the recipe for this fondue of Zelensky’s has too many poisonous ingredients in it. They are stirred deep through the entire mix, totally baked in and served up, laughingly, as the sole item on the menu. If the Russians even took a single bite out of this noxious gruel they’d immediately be sick to their stomachs. It’s a meal not fit for dogs. I’m sure the Swiss would find it unacceptable in any restaurant on their various soils be it Italian, French or German.
Zelensky’s piss-awful peace plan will be served up to western legacy media however, and they will lap it up like so much caviar, such is their appetite for the poorest quality of fare imaginable. In fact they, being of a bulimic constitution, are quite likely to gorge themselves, then vomit it all up, re-heat it and serve it again and again in a repeating cycle worthy of Monty Python’s ‘Mr Creosote’. But would Mr C, even with HIS enormous and insatiable appetite allow Zelensky’s tasteless peace poison to pass his lips?