I really appreciate your posts Aearnur. You provide so much useful info and videos. You are much appreciated.

Re The west. I feel like I’m watching King Kong fall off the Empire State Building and frantically grasping for a hand hold on the way down. Will be glad when King Kong’s (western foreign policy) is finally dead. Unfortunately I’m at ground level looking up and that damn ape’s going to land on me. But so be it; I’m up for the challenge and the World will be a much better place with the ape laid to rest.

It’s.amazing how rotten the ape’s gotten. I had to see it to believe it. And here I used to be proud to be an American. That feeling faded away over the years.

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Thank you very much for your comment Phyerlites. It is most appreciated. I feel as you do and though I saw this coming many years ago now I remain shocked at the continuance of the western powers' project that is clearly going to cause enormous damage as time goes on. It is clear they have no plan B however, for them it is all or nothing, complete dominance of our world or no virtually no world or at least no peace for the world in prospect. It seems to me that even if their motivations (though misguided) are positive in that they regard a world not guided/guarded by them as unacceptable they ought to recognise that the chaos they propagate has the capability to destroy many millions of lives. Russia is the main target for now but China will clearly be their primary target. Now Georgia is experiencing a colour revolution and no doubt the western powers through the CIA/NED will instigate as many more of these as they can. The continuance of 'The Great Game' of previous centuries continues, to the detriment of us all,

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