It’s sick. We all know it. At its heart it is so very sick. It was always sick. The noticeable difference now is that the rotten heart of it festers further down into its bowels than ever before.
Once upon a time a certain decent, if naive integrity could be found in those labouring for its lofty elites, but now almost every corner of the western world is rank with deeply-embedded, creepily sinister, disastrous corruption of heart, body, soul and mind.
It almost feels like it’s in every breath we take. It’s certainly in all the lies we’re told. It permeates each black box, big and small, that bring its slime into our brains.
It is reflected in the revelations concerning Epstein, Savile and Harris, the scams, the cons and ponzi schemes, the murderous wars fuelled by deception. It travels through arteries of sleaze, it leaks from every billboard and magazine cover. It travels through video games and ubiquitous porn. It drips from every public relations manager’s lips.
Wars of mass murder based on lies are waged out of self-interest, kidnap and torture become normal. Deception for the public and delivery of weapons to purveyors of terror are the new default positions… with a vomit of public relations skillfully applied to hide it all.
Militarized police can murder at will, those who cry foul can be cancelled or jailed. All are observed for unacceptable and inconvenient thoughts. Whistleblowers such as Assange are given a slow execution awaiting trial, tortured into extinction by the laws of each corrupt western land.
The corruption spreads like a cancer through western institutions, infesting ever more healthy tissue, blindly seeking ever more darkness wherever it finds light.
You can almost feel it wrap itself around you as you sleep, mind raped by the last images seen of some bloody, gratuitous Hollywood kill-fest.
Our politicians who have become very poor at hiding their corruption are every now and then exposed. Graft and the modern equivalent of the ‘Old School Tie System’ are everywhere, neatly sewn up in high earning sinecures where little empires are protected from the scruffy masses ‘out there’.
Politicians of integrity are denounced, back-stabbed and rubbished to allow the rise of sleaze-merchants impatient to get their fifteen minutes of fame. The temporary and shallow trump the long-trusted, wiser ones, consigned to ignominy while vacuous airheads are lavished with limelight.
Drivel is popular. Intellect is out of fashion. Self-interest is very much the in thing. Caring has become a minority pastime. All the delights of decadence are valued and paraded… while the inner being dies.
This is the time of grabbing all that’s going. Of passing responsibility swiftly by to take the main chance. Of doing only what you want, never bothering if it’s right or wrong. The Devil will take the hindmost while as little as possible is given… never forgetting to flash a winning smile, just as fake as a drug addict’s assurances.
Most are ‘just getting by’ in a wicked western world, competing with the rest, taking criminal advantage where they may… justifying all they do because “everyone else is doing the same”.
Hi I have reread your latest article and with a lot I actually agree if I think with my brain and commonsense and not my emotions. The West has never been my favourite lot of governments
I do not even want to discuss Trump all I can say he is one of the most obnoxious people I ahve ever seen way before he became president when he treated people on the Apprentice like rubbish
I only watched one episode. Then he became President of the US ????
I have had a saying when PW Botha the last white president of sa died I wanted to go and Pee on his grave as he was also an obnoxious person
Biden is even worse and the lady Harris beats him hands down as dangerous
I have said many a time how can a country with a population o 330 million and about 280 million who qualify by birth to be President choose two such people to be President.
I was taught when I was a young man not to think with your emotions but sometimes you do
The first time I went to the US was in 1967 and since then i have been there several times
I now life only a few hundred KM from Vietnam. I live on a farm on Thailand in peace and quiet.
I am from South Africa and was a detective there rising to an officer and then went to work for Anglo American / de Beers the largest mining house in the world at that time
SA is now following the path of Zimbabwe just slower
I have been reading a lot of the Ukraine and I agree with you in some of your comments Putin did what he should have done but I have seen te hresults of war and death and that I do not agree with.
for my sins in the cops investigated many deaths and suicides and saw many bodies in my life
I then specialised in fraud and corruption and that is what upsets me . The whole world has gone money mad. One day more on that
I am not wealthy today and just have enough to live on but I never took money for a bribe etc
My parents were hardworking and as honest as you could get.
I live in a country that is close to China and my grandson has been living in China for the last three and a half years and loves it
I am a great one for body language of a person as I solved many cases with the use of body language
The US has created more chaos in the world than all the other nations put together.
My pet hate in the world are pedophiles and people who molest children.
That is a story for anotther time
I appologise again for my first comment of drivel. I was wrong. You just put it in a better wording than I would have
Who ever wrote this has a mentally sick mind and has forgottten to mention that Russia and many other countries are twice as sick and corrupt.
This is pure utter drivel