Hi I have reread your latest article and with a lot I actually agree if I think with my brain and commonsense and not my emotions. The West has never been my favourite lot of governments
I do not even want to discuss Trump all I can say he is one of the most obnoxious people I ahve ever seen way before he became president when he treated people on the Apprentice like rubbish
I only watched one episode. Then he became President of the US ????
I have had a saying when PW Botha the last white president of sa died I wanted to go and Pee on his grave as he was also an obnoxious person
Biden is even worse and the lady Harris beats him hands down as dangerous
I have said many a time how can a country with a population o 330 million and about 280 million who qualify by birth to be President choose two such people to be President.
I was taught when I was a young man not to think with your emotions but sometimes you do
The first time I went to the US was in 1967 and since then i have been there several times
I now life only a few hundred KM from Vietnam. I live on a farm on Thailand in peace and quiet.
I am from South Africa and was a detective there rising to an officer and then went to work for Anglo American / de Beers the largest mining house in the world at that time
SA is now following the path of Zimbabwe just slower
I have been reading a lot of the Ukraine and I agree with you in some of your comments Putin did what he should have done but I have seen te hresults of war and death and that I do not agree with.
for my sins in the cops investigated many deaths and suicides and saw many bodies in my life
I then specialised in fraud and corruption and that is what upsets me . The whole world has gone money mad. One day more on that
I am not wealthy today and just have enough to live on but I never took money for a bribe etc
My parents were hardworking and as honest as you could get.
I live in a country that is close to China and my grandson has been living in China for the last three and a half years and loves it
I am a great one for body language of a person as I solved many cases with the use of body language
The US has created more chaos in the world than all the other nations put together.
My pet hate in the world are pedophiles and people who molest children.
That is a story for anotther time
I appologise again for my first comment of drivel. I was wrong. You just put it in a better wording than I would have
Interesting to read of your life Barry. We have been to South Africa twice and have two close elderly friends there. They took us on a long journey round the cape area a few years ago. I envy both yourself in Thailand (another favorite place of ours) and your grandson in China. I agree with you regarding Trump. I railed against him for years as I saw him clearly to be what's called a socialised psychopath. In case you are unfamiliar with the term its not the serial killer type but with the same lack of empathy and total self-absorption, narcissistic and ruthless. His talking points, such as better relations with Russia, had nothing behind them except elements of self-interest and at other times simply saying what Clinton or Obama would not to create a saleable impression to his base. Your life as a detective would be fascinating to hear more about though I suspect looking back can be somewhat painful in some respects. Thank you for your kind words but I think I deserved your initial comments and I was aware of going OTT with this particular commentary. It has happened nefore with a similar take by a good American friend of mine here. Just to say, I will be travelling home to Scotland today and as of this moment I have no particular plans for more commentaries for a while. The situation in Ukraine is coming to an initial end point where Russia will have secured the Donbass (I estimate two to three weeks if that). Then a lot of work to make it safe will transpire. I see attacks within Russia appear to be underway and I am afraid this may become a common feature, I mean with explosions arranged, subversion and special forces attacks. It happened before if you recall perpetrated by Chechens. I am afraid we will see more of that now. Sorry this is bit and piece, I am writing with little time before my plane. I am very glad we smoothed things over Barry. Sorry for being so rude before. Best wishes, Allan.
In the first place DW is one of basically all western mainstream media outlets that is relentlessly anti-Russia as default, i.e. as with the others is in 'war mode'. In war mode you never speak positively about any aspect of the "enemy" and only speak positively about "your side". I know Bandera shifted from side to side depending on what appeared to him to be good for the potential national sovereignty of Ukraine. He was never wholly this or that. But the way he is seen is filtered through whatever prejudice there is in the eyes of the beholder. For some he justifies acts that he engaged in which demonstrated his total commitment to the nationalist caused that embraced murder within that commitment. To others, who see Ukrainian nationalism as a high priority beyond all others he is seen as a hero. Naturally too there are those who oppose the acts of extreme violence which are sometimes justified in his name who emphasise the iniquity of much he did.
Fair enough Barry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, wrong or otherwise. If you were going to be a pain in the arse I was minded to block you. But your last comment shows some intellect. My view is that you are totally wrong about Putin... but as I say, everyone is entitled to their opinion therefore you can stay.... if you want. Bye the way, I don't tell lies, not here anyway. I express my opinions. They just don't suit some people... clearly including yourself. That's life I suppose, or at least one important aspect of it.
Thank you Barry. Vietnam is one of my favorite nations also. I too have visited the USA multiple times, most recently earlier this year when I was in St. Thomas via Miami (just as Russia's special op was kicking off). I find the USA quite a trial to be in though its landscapes and many of its people are delightful. Of course it's the elites in MOST places that cause us grief and that is true in spades regarding the U.S. Anyone who visits the museum concerning North America's war against Vietnam in Hanoi surely cannot come away unmoved.
I acknowledge my present write is OTT. I simply tried to put all my dislikes in one package and of course there are always positives you can find anywhere around the world as well as negatives. But my schtick is to be bolshie and hit hard in precis form if I have a bee in my bonnet about an issue. I now freely admit your opinion on my piece in that regard is quite correct. My apologies for my rather hot-headed and not very adult response.
Hi I have reread your latest article and with a lot I actually agree if I think with my brain and commonsense and not my emotions. The West has never been my favourite lot of governments
I do not even want to discuss Trump all I can say he is one of the most obnoxious people I ahve ever seen way before he became president when he treated people on the Apprentice like rubbish
I only watched one episode. Then he became President of the US ????
I have had a saying when PW Botha the last white president of sa died I wanted to go and Pee on his grave as he was also an obnoxious person
Biden is even worse and the lady Harris beats him hands down as dangerous
I have said many a time how can a country with a population o 330 million and about 280 million who qualify by birth to be President choose two such people to be President.
I was taught when I was a young man not to think with your emotions but sometimes you do
The first time I went to the US was in 1967 and since then i have been there several times
I now life only a few hundred KM from Vietnam. I live on a farm on Thailand in peace and quiet.
I am from South Africa and was a detective there rising to an officer and then went to work for Anglo American / de Beers the largest mining house in the world at that time
SA is now following the path of Zimbabwe just slower
I have been reading a lot of the Ukraine and I agree with you in some of your comments Putin did what he should have done but I have seen te hresults of war and death and that I do not agree with.
for my sins in the cops investigated many deaths and suicides and saw many bodies in my life
I then specialised in fraud and corruption and that is what upsets me . The whole world has gone money mad. One day more on that
I am not wealthy today and just have enough to live on but I never took money for a bribe etc
My parents were hardworking and as honest as you could get.
I live in a country that is close to China and my grandson has been living in China for the last three and a half years and loves it
I am a great one for body language of a person as I solved many cases with the use of body language
The US has created more chaos in the world than all the other nations put together.
My pet hate in the world are pedophiles and people who molest children.
That is a story for anotther time
I appologise again for my first comment of drivel. I was wrong. You just put it in a better wording than I would have
Interesting to read of your life Barry. We have been to South Africa twice and have two close elderly friends there. They took us on a long journey round the cape area a few years ago. I envy both yourself in Thailand (another favorite place of ours) and your grandson in China. I agree with you regarding Trump. I railed against him for years as I saw him clearly to be what's called a socialised psychopath. In case you are unfamiliar with the term its not the serial killer type but with the same lack of empathy and total self-absorption, narcissistic and ruthless. His talking points, such as better relations with Russia, had nothing behind them except elements of self-interest and at other times simply saying what Clinton or Obama would not to create a saleable impression to his base. Your life as a detective would be fascinating to hear more about though I suspect looking back can be somewhat painful in some respects. Thank you for your kind words but I think I deserved your initial comments and I was aware of going OTT with this particular commentary. It has happened nefore with a similar take by a good American friend of mine here. Just to say, I will be travelling home to Scotland today and as of this moment I have no particular plans for more commentaries for a while. The situation in Ukraine is coming to an initial end point where Russia will have secured the Donbass (I estimate two to three weeks if that). Then a lot of work to make it safe will transpire. I see attacks within Russia appear to be underway and I am afraid this may become a common feature, I mean with explosions arranged, subversion and special forces attacks. It happened before if you recall perpetrated by Chechens. I am afraid we will see more of that now. Sorry this is bit and piece, I am writing with little time before my plane. I am very glad we smoothed things over Barry. Sorry for being so rude before. Best wishes, Allan.
lets keep contact
I have a lot more to tell you how I see life and you are wellcome to critisize or disagree with me.
Have a safe trip and enjoy life
My other philosophy is whatever any person writes about the conflict there is nothing we can do about it but comment .
Agreed. Sharing life experience and opinions based on long years of thought and activities is one of the great joys of a long life.
About Trump we can comment for a year.
True. Trump and the proclivity for millions, even in this cynical age, to fall for the blandishments of socialised psychopaths.
Hi Allen
I found this on DW https://www.dw.com/en/stepan-bandera-ukrainian-hero-or-nazi-collaborator/a-61842720?maca=en-newsletter_en_bulletin-2097-xml-newsletter&r=8726516810818947&lid=2161047&pm_ln=148937
Have you seen it
In the first place DW is one of basically all western mainstream media outlets that is relentlessly anti-Russia as default, i.e. as with the others is in 'war mode'. In war mode you never speak positively about any aspect of the "enemy" and only speak positively about "your side". I know Bandera shifted from side to side depending on what appeared to him to be good for the potential national sovereignty of Ukraine. He was never wholly this or that. But the way he is seen is filtered through whatever prejudice there is in the eyes of the beholder. For some he justifies acts that he engaged in which demonstrated his total commitment to the nationalist caused that embraced murder within that commitment. To others, who see Ukrainian nationalism as a high priority beyond all others he is seen as a hero. Naturally too there are those who oppose the acts of extreme violence which are sometimes justified in his name who emphasise the iniquity of much he did.
Who ever wrote this has a mentally sick mind and has forgottten to mention that Russia and many other countries are twice as sick and corrupt.
This is pure utter drivel
You are very welcome never to upset your eyes or brain by reading me again Barry. Bye, bye... :O)
I actually like your newsletters and read them everyday as they arrive.
You have some truths but mostly lies. There is two sides to each strory but todays newsletter was a bitover the top
The Western World does make me sick but even more so Putin and his cronies.
There is no discipline in the world today with the liberals trying to destroy everything
Fair enough Barry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, wrong or otherwise. If you were going to be a pain in the arse I was minded to block you. But your last comment shows some intellect. My view is that you are totally wrong about Putin... but as I say, everyone is entitled to their opinion therefore you can stay.... if you want. Bye the way, I don't tell lies, not here anyway. I express my opinions. They just don't suit some people... clearly including yourself. That's life I suppose, or at least one important aspect of it.
I will never be one to not express my opinion when I feel like it and I have no objection when you express your opinion
You make a person think
My late wife used to say there are three sides to a story. Your side my side and the truth inbetween
I like your opinions in a lot of your newsletters and I am the last to think that Ukrainians are angels
I live far from the US but have visited there many times and I think the US has caused a lot of grief in the world
The worst in my opinion is Vietnam which I have visited and it is my favourite country
I received your first newsletter from a very conservative person who forwarded it to me and that is why I subscribed.
Thank you Barry. Vietnam is one of my favorite nations also. I too have visited the USA multiple times, most recently earlier this year when I was in St. Thomas via Miami (just as Russia's special op was kicking off). I find the USA quite a trial to be in though its landscapes and many of its people are delightful. Of course it's the elites in MOST places that cause us grief and that is true in spades regarding the U.S. Anyone who visits the museum concerning North America's war against Vietnam in Hanoi surely cannot come away unmoved.
I love your wife's saying btw. I shall be stealing that! :O)
I acknowledge my present write is OTT. I simply tried to put all my dislikes in one package and of course there are always positives you can find anywhere around the world as well as negatives. But my schtick is to be bolshie and hit hard in precis form if I have a bee in my bonnet about an issue. I now freely admit your opinion on my piece in that regard is quite correct. My apologies for my rather hot-headed and not very adult response.