May 21, 2022Liked by Aearnur

Hi I have reread your latest article and with a lot I actually agree if I think with my brain and commonsense and not my emotions. The West has never been my favourite lot of governments

I do not even want to discuss Trump all I can say he is one of the most obnoxious people I ahve ever seen way before he became president when he treated people on the Apprentice like rubbish

I only watched one episode. Then he became President of the US ????

I have had a saying when PW Botha the last white president of sa died I wanted to go and Pee on his grave as he was also an obnoxious person

Biden is even worse and the lady Harris beats him hands down as dangerous

I have said many a time how can a country with a population o 330 million and about 280 million who qualify by birth to be President choose two such people to be President.

I was taught when I was a young man not to think with your emotions but sometimes you do

The first time I went to the US was in 1967 and since then i have been there several times

I now life only a few hundred KM from Vietnam. I live on a farm on Thailand in peace and quiet.

I am from South Africa and was a detective there rising to an officer and then went to work for Anglo American / de Beers the largest mining house in the world at that time

SA is now following the path of Zimbabwe just slower

I have been reading a lot of the Ukraine and I agree with you in some of your comments Putin did what he should have done but I have seen te hresults of war and death and that I do not agree with.

for my sins in the cops investigated many deaths and suicides and saw many bodies in my life

I then specialised in fraud and corruption and that is what upsets me . The whole world has gone money mad. One day more on that

I am not wealthy today and just have enough to live on but I never took money for a bribe etc

My parents were hardworking and as honest as you could get.

I live in a country that is close to China and my grandson has been living in China for the last three and a half years and loves it

I am a great one for body language of a person as I solved many cases with the use of body language

The US has created more chaos in the world than all the other nations put together.

My pet hate in the world are pedophiles and people who molest children.

That is a story for anotther time

I appologise again for my first comment of drivel. I was wrong. You just put it in a better wording than I would have



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Who ever wrote this has a mentally sick mind and has forgottten to mention that Russia and many other countries are twice as sick and corrupt.

This is pure utter drivel

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