Unfortunately most if not all of what you have to say is true.

You might be interested in taking my “course” because my course addresses all of the issues you raise.

One observation I would make which isn’t necessarily going against what you have to say is the fact that you and people like you are still able to say what you have to say in the US and not be in jeopardy of being arrested. (I’m sure you’d argue that that isn’t for the lack of trying amongst those who don’t like your message).

Anyway, the anecdote for what you have to say about the US’s foreign can be found in what I refer to and define as the “handsome bouncer” concept which is basically in agreement with what George Kennan and John Mearsheimer have to say.

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I unfortunately live in the belly of the beast. Every word you uttered is truth. People in the West largely oppose,what’s happening but are at a loss as to how to stop this train that’s barreling down the tracks, The western governments have been captured by the oligarchs/satinists/pedophiles. The west is similar to Israel/Palestine. Both governments are corrupt. Both desire carnage. I/we feel,for the people of both Israel and Palestine. Lord please help us. Please protect the citizens of Israel and Palestine. Please help us get from under the yoke of the globalists/satinists/pedophiles.

How on the hell did the world get in such a sorry state?

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