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Russia may conclude at some point that the economies of its self-declared adversaries, which have major politically powerful parasitic sectors ('defence' and financial 'engineering') which constrain real growth and productivity which underlie the economic capability needed to sustain the hegemonic alliance, will continue to decay or even implode.

The west has been moving towards an Orwellian future exacerbated by importation of huge numbers of culturally and linguistically alien immigrants who neither share nor are being schooled in the values and traditions of these countries, eroding the sense of national identity. A rising probability of internal conflict may force redirection of attention from foreign interference to domestic matters. In that case a 'buffer zone' will not be so important, rather the expungement of residual Banderism to mitigate incursions and sabotage will be a higher priority.

The rebuilding of a prosperous Donbass (and Kherson, Zaphorozhia, Kharkov, Odessa,...?) contrasting favourably to a rump West Ukraine state, abandoned economically by a dissipated West, has a good chance of making western Ukrainians receptive to establishing good relations with their former countrymen and with Russia.

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