Unfortunately, these policies seem to be those of the "establishment," and not of any particular leader or leaders that we know about. It appears to originate in Washington. Is it the Pentagon? State Department? CIA? That is hard to say, but these are policies established over the long term and meant to be carried out over several administrations. I date, for example, the anti-Russian campaign with a flagrant anti-Putin article in the New York Times in 2012. When Trump articulated a policy of better relations with Russia, he inadvertently prompted "Russia gate" as the response of the establishment. Anti-Russia is a literal pillar of the "Establishment" foreign policy, and Trump, in his hapless "bull in a china shop" style, provoked the expected reaction. So there is much farther to do than the putting to pasture of these key perps such as Sunak, Biden, etc. There's much more to deal with, is there not? Yes, I hope this is the beginning of their unraveling, but do you really detect a change in the military and foreign policy rhetoric of the US?

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The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The American stooges of NATO and their undemocratic, militarist belief in "might makes right".

Dumb and Dumber from Dick Cheney to Joe Biden.

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