Forgive me for leaving a second comment, but we should reflect on why the West is so willing to accept nuclear war, and why it seemingly so disregards the dire consequences of a nuclear conflagration. Note that no attempt has been made to protect the American public in the event of a nuclear exchange with Russia. There could be two reasons. The first is that the West believes that no nation will dare launch a nuclear attack. Another reason is the blatant disregard for the thirty or forty million casualties the US is willing to accept in such a nuclear exchange. I'm not sure the author actually addresses the nuclear issue head on in this article. We must ask, why are these leaders suicidal? Do they expect to be protected in underground shelters? Do they hope everybody but their protected selves will be destroyed? I would hope the author would explore these angles in greater detail than is covered in his excellent article.

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Another way of looking at this, although I support the author's contention as well, is that 146 million Russians sitting on the largest landmass of any nation, replete with mineral and agricultural resources, simply cannot be countenanced unless the West gets its tribute, a piece of the action. Dismembering Russia and distributing the spoils is the goal. But I also agree with the author that the West cannot countenance any disobedience. The main point is that, since this is deliberate aggression by the West to dismember Russia, of course there is no interest in finding a peaceful or diplomatic settlement. As far as 9-11 is concerned, many people believe it was just another US job designed to further US geopolitical goals. Novak the columnist implied that Israel was involved in the 9-11 attacks.

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Yes they are obsessed as clearly stated. But why SO obsessed? My answer is not The Answer. It is to be found in two features of all western languages, namely our use of upper case and definite article.

For example: god is certainly not God and the church is certainly not church.

Both Russian and

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